Thursday 19 March 2009

New Ageing Publications

Dear All,

I wanted to alert you to some new publications which may be of interest...

The first is an Interim Report entitled A Healthier Future for all Australians issued by the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission (NHHRC) on 16 February 2009.

The report proposes 116 reform directions across the spectrum of health service delivery from a healthy start to life to end of life care – covering a range of issues including governance of the health system, primary health care, prevention, Indigenous health, hospitals, aged care, workforce, mental health, and rural health.

The second is a Report to the Minister for Ageing on residential care and people with psychogeriatric disorders issued by the Office of Aged Care Quality and Compliance (OACQC) on 9 February 2009.

The report highlights that the best care outcomes for people with psychogeriatric disorders are achieved where there is effective integration and cooperation across sectors. Collaborative networks across the primary health, mental health and aged care service sectors are critical.

Stay tuned for more ageing information,


Ronak Jain said...

it is also a very good policy .
i liked it the most .

Kate Masters said...

Hi Ronak. Government websites are a really good source of information on health policies and strategic frameworks. Check out my Health Sciences Subject Guide for more information on government documents:
