Thursday, 1 October 2009

EndNote X3 for PCs now available

Dear All,

EndNote X3 is now available to download if you own a PC (the Mac release date is not too far away). Download the updated version here (go to the 'Download EndNote' box).

Some of you may be thinking "why should I upgrade when I've only just become accustomed to using EndNote X2?!" There are a few answers to that:
  • There aren't any major differences between the two versions, except that X3 runs a lot faster than X2 (this is because certain files are no longer part of the software 'package' that is downloaded. If you happen to need any of these files, you can always download them separately.)
  • Libraries created in X2 are compatible with X3
  • It's easy to upgrade -- just follow the links!

If you have any questions about EndNote X3 please contact me:



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